Nota Cinta

Friday, November 15, 2013

There is no God but Allah.

In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate,


Your God is One God. There is none worthy of worship except Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.(Qur'an chapter 2, verse 163)

Allah, the One and Only God. Allah, the Eternal, the One on whom all depend, while Allah is independent of all. Allah begets not, nor Allah begotten. And there is non like Allah. (112:1-4)


Allah created you from single pair of a male(Adam) and a female(Eve), and made you into nations and races so that you might know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you to Allah is the one who is the most righeous of you (49:13)


The first house established for the worship of One God, Allah. Built under devine command by Abraham & his son Ishmael. The direction for prayer, not an object of worship.


The Religion and Way of Life with Allah is Islam, that is, submission to the Will of Allah. (3:19)


In every nation, Allah raised a Mesenger, who preached the same message, worship only Allah, and shun false gods. (16:36) Allah has mentioned the stories of some Messengers in The Qur'an and others Allah has not. (40:78) Abraham (3:67) Moses (10:84) Jesus (3:51-52) Muhammad (6:162-163)


Allah tell the Prophets: "Your Community is one single community, sharing the same faith, and I am your Lord; so fear only Me." But thier followers later broke this unity into different divisions, with each group exulting in a deviated 


Allah has ordained for you the same Religion which was ordained for Noah, and which Allah has revealed to Muhammad and also which Allah had enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. So uphold the Religion.

"Muhammad, call mankind back to Islam. Say to them, Allah is our Lord and your Lord."-Allah (42:13,15) Muhammad is the last Mesenger of Allah and the Last of the Prophets. (33:40)

Allah has revealed to you, Muhammad this book Qur'an setting forth the truth, confirming the Revelations prior to it, as in the past, Allah had revealed to Torah to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus. (3:3)

This day, I have completed for you your religion, and I have perfected upon you. My Blessings, and I have chosen for you Islam to be the Religion and Way of Life. (5:3)

Indeed, those who beleive in Allah and do good deeds-they are the best creatures. Their reward with Allah will be paradise. Eternal, wherein they shall remain forever. (98:7-8)

Prophet Muhammad was the "living Qur'an", the best and most beautiful role model to emulate in this life and no prepare for the Hereafter. (33:21)


The Qur'an states that the advent of Muhammad, the final Prophet, was foretold in the original Torah of Moses and the original Gospel of Jesus. (7:157,61:6)

In the Old testament of the Bible, book of Deutronomy, Chapter 18, verses 15,18-19, Muhammad is the prophet who will be raised among the brethen (that is, the Ishmaelites of the Israelites, who will be like Moses.

In the New testament of the Bible, in the Gospel of John, Chapter 14, verses 16,26 and chapter 16, verses 7-15, Muhammad is the "Counselor" also called the "Spirit of Truth" -who Jesus said will come after him. "who shall guide to all truth."

In the Hindu text of Bhavishya Purana, Prati Sarag Parv III, Khandam 3, Adhay 3, Sloka 3-8, Propphet Muhammad mentioned as "Mahamat". In the Bhagvata Purana, Khandam 12, Adhay2, Sloka 18-20, the description of the "Kalki Avatar" the "Last Prophet"-fits Muhammad.

The Buddhist text of Chakkavatti Sinhnad Suttanta , D.111, 76 mentions "Maitreya" in Sanskrit (or "Mettaya" in Pali, "Miroku" in Japanese, and Mei-ta-li-ya" in Chinese) which means "Mercy-unto-all"- just as The Qur'an calls Prophet Muhammad. (21:107)

Muhammad Never Told a lie

Since his youth, Prophet Muhammad whose name means "the Praised One" was known to all his community as "As-Sadiqul Ameen" which means "the Truthful and Trustworthy" Even those who rejected his message, be they pagans, Jew or Crhristians, never doubted his honesty. They entrusted thier belongings to him for safekeeping. If he did not lie to men, would he lie about Allah?

Misconception: Allah dont have son or doughter and Jesus is not God or son of God.
Quran surah: Al-Imran 3:59, Al-Madiyah 19:88, 19:30 Al-Ikhlas 112:3 Al-Kafirun, AnNisa 4:171 Al Maidah 5:15, 5:17, 5:72, 5:73. At-Taubah 9:30. 

Al-Baqarah tafsir menurut Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. 
2:208 Wahai ulama Kristian Yahudi apabila datangnya Islam maka beralihlah peluklah Islam. Jangan cenderung pada kesesatan setelah dianugerahkan Islam.
2:209 Allah Tuhan yang Keras azab seksaNya. Sekaranglah masa memeluk Islam kerana tiada guna bila di padang mahsyar baru mahu memeluk Islam.

Hadis Sahih Al-Bukhari dari Abi Hurairah radiallahu anhu sabda Nabi Muhammad saw. Setiap umatku akan masuk syurga kecuali yang sengaja bantah hadisku.
(Amat rugi mengaku Islam tetapi tergolong dalam golongan yang rugi.) 
Sahih AtTirmizi menurut Rasulullah saw (Bantah hadis sahih wajib ke neraka)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beri nama anak & Redha Takdir

Pengajian Bahrulmazi jilid 20, youtube “Takdir Allah” 12-11-13 syarah Ustaz Shamsuri.

  1. Quran, Laksanakan semua hukum Allah akan dijamin keamanan oleh Allah.
  2.  Solat yang lalai akan ke neraka.
  3.  Hadis riwayat AtTirmizi, sabda Nabi saw.
  4. Tidak dibenarkan urusniaga dalam masjid dan menurut ulama, hanya iklan dibenarkkan.
  5.  Salah satu pengakuan Islam ialah pastikan setiap perlakuan cakap tidak melukakan hati orang.
  6.  Redha bala atau ujian kematian anak kecil akan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga.
  7.  Setiap budak yang dilahirkan adalah suci bersih dan sunnah berikan nama makna baik pada kelahiran disamping lakukan akikah apabila berkemampuan.  
  8.  Nama dalam Islam hendaklah sederhana kerana sederhana itu sebaik-baik perkara. 
  9. Nama jangan terlalu hebat dikhuatiri menyusahkan tanggungan empunya nama.
  10. Di Mahsyar, nama penuh akan dipanggil berbinkan bapa.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

AnNahl 33-37 & Minta Ampun Selamat Dunia Akhirat DOA KEJAYAAN

4-11-13 Pengajian kitab Nurul Ihsan tafsir surah AnNahl 33-37 masjid simpang4 syarah Ust Shamsuri

Muqaddimah Al-Ankabut 29: 39-40 Musuh Allah seperti Qarun Fir’Aun dan Haman hidup zaman Nabi Musa as ini diazab ke atas dosa mereka kerana itu pilihan mereka. Allah tidak zalim tetapi mereka menzalimi diri mereka sendiri.
Sahih Ibnu Majah Anaz b Malek ra sabda Nabi saw, amalkan doa minta ampun dosa dan keselamatan dunia akhirat kerana sesungguhnya itulah doa orang yang berjaya.   

AnNahl 16:33 Tunggu apa lagi? Adakah tunggu malaikat maut baru nak beriman?
Al-Ankabut 39-40) Musuh Allah zaman Musa seperti Qarun, Fir’Aun dan Haman diazab kerana mereka pilih untuk tidak beriman. Allah tidak zalim tetapi mereka menzalimi diri mereka sendiri.
34) Bala ujian Allah melalui perbuatan jenayah manusia itu adalah hasil perbuatan manusia menzalimi diri mereka sendiri yang mempersendakan ayat dan hukum Allah.
35) Senda gurau Musyrikin Mekah pada Nabi saw, “jangan salahkan kami sebab Allah yang jadikan kami kafir.”
36) Sahih Muslim sabda Nabi saw, aku nampak penghuni neraka yang terdiri dari kesesatan bid’ah ibadah khusus. Sesetengah dapat hidayah sesetengah tidak. Lihatlah di tempat-tempat bekas kejadian yang berlaku pada umat terdahulu yang dustakan Rasul mereka.
37) Allah datangkan petunjuk didepannya tetapi dia memilih untuk tidak dapat petunjuk maka kekallah mereka dalam kesesatan.